Alcohol and Business

Alcohol and Business

Posted in: Business, Life

I have been here before, however not during a global pandemic, a lockdown, juggling business with home schooling… The craziness of 2020 aside, it has been six months since I last drank alcohol – woop woop! Do I miss it, hell yeah!

Back in 2017 I quit alcohol for eleven and a half months, a New Years resolution to help better manage my time and productivity (it was a good year). Both family life and business is very important to me, I work hard at both. What little time I have left after home and business is spent on my art, writing, fitness and running. So to be honest, there is never a shortage of things to do, I keep busy.

Going back to the subject of alcohol and business, I feel the two are very much intertwined. Be it via client meetings, networking or social events. I do miss a glass of red after a good day at the office, the same could be said of a bad day! I also miss a cold beer on a hot summers day, fun times and good memories! I guess it’s a generational thing, drinking alcohol has become synonymous with many different events.

Now on to the subject of running a business. Being in business is bloody hard work, it’s a 24/7 commitment, you don’t switch off! Having “an escape” is pretty tempting, alcohol ticks this box too. If you run a business (or have lots on your mind) then finding some downtime or an alternative escape is important. I replaced my glass of red with evening runs and a gym membership.

We know every up has a down. Alcohol impacts everyone slightly differently, be it mentally or physically. I guess I (like many) have a love hate relationship with it. Personally I do not miss the sluggish mornings or binge eating! Now I am not saying we should all quit drinking tomorrow – you do you boo boo. This post simply notes my own observations and experiences over the past six months.

My notes…

It is a fact; we achieve more with a health body and mind – being positive is key! Over the past six months I have been a better dad and a better businessman, I’m more focused. Energy levels have rocketed. No booze means more time, more time for others and getting stuff done!

Since starting a business and researching personal development some 13+ years ago, I’ve always set the same resolution. It is to “be the best version of me” which spills into many areas; a better father, son, husband, brother, employer, businessman, friend, mentor, human etc…

Now I know that alcohol is a big part of our society, it is linked to fun times and happy memories! But at this stage in my life (late 30’s) I believe time management and performance is more important. This is why I chose to quit alcohol in 2020, I’m still looking for the best version of me.

Being t-total is not a weakness!

I was in two minds about writing this post, especially off the back of lockdown! But hey, I wanted to focus on the benefits of being t-total in business. My findings are; energy levels increased, I sleep better, I have more fun with my kids, my mind is clearer, I am more creative, concentration (finding that all important flow state) is more consistent, personally and professionally I am better. I guess the biggest pro is feeling healthier, both physically and mentally. Being t-total is certainly not a weakness. It is a difficult decision to make because of the world we live in.

I am not putting a crazy amount of pressure on myself to not drink again. I will probably remain t-total in 2020, I think it is important to have a clear head if/when life is challenging. Nobody knows how 2020 will pan out with school closures, our economy and COVID-19. With all that is going on, it is best to stay sharp!

Anyway, I hope you found some value in this post? If you are considering quitting booze for a bit to focus on your business then I’d say go for it! Just make sure you find another way to escape and switch off, boost them endorphins!

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