Albert Road Toad

Albert Road Toad

Posted in: Artwork

I’m thrilled to introduce you to the Albert Road Toad, a delightful character who adds a dash of charm to Southsea, Portsmouth. Under the moonlight he comes to life, hopping through the alleys of Albert Road! He’s a night owl and loves the bustling atmosphere of Albert Road pubs and bars. Whether he’s ordering a drink with a side of flies or cheekily asking, “Could I be your Prince Charming?” the Albert Road Toad is always up for some fun. This character is part of my upcoming collection of Portsmouth-themed stories, which I am excited to illustrate and share later this year. Please see the links below for two FREE taster stories…

The Southsea Seagull
The Palmerston Pigeon

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Artist & Designer in Southsea, Portsmouth

Need some creative input on a project? Looking for an original drawing, painting or logo design? I'd be delighted to help with any artwork, graphics, content creation, SEO or web design work. Please send me a quick email to get started.

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A Website & Graphic Designer, Artist & Digital Marketing Consultant in Southsea, Portsmouth

Registered Address: 29c Clarendon Road, Southsea, Portsmouth, PO5 2ED.